Home Energy Audits

I perform both Simple walkthrough ($250), and full comprehensive home energy audits ($450) for Southeast Michigan. UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE BECAUSE OF COVID-19, ONLY UNOCCUPIED HOMES WILL BE TESTED. SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE, I WILL UPDATE STATUS ON AVAILABILITY WHEN DEEMED SAFE.

Full Comprehensive Audits

I offer a full comprehensive energy evaluation of your home for $450.00

Included in this audit you receive a complete report with thermal and digital images of problem areas, a blower-door air-tightness evaluation, natural-gas/propane leak testing, carbon monoxide level testing, insulation level inspection, evaluation of all your energy consuming appliances and equipment, door and window advise, and efficient lighting retrofits.

I provide contact information for DTE or Consumers Energy certified contractors and abatement companies, and a detailed list of recommendations to improve the condition of your home in order of health, safety, and efficiency. 

Simple Walkthrough Audits

I also offer a simple energy evaluation for $250.00

I recommend this option for those who are interested in buying a new home or those whose energy bills aren't bad, but may be having some comfort issues.

This audit also comes with a report that will include thermal and digital images, results from natural-gas/propane leak testing, carbon monoxide level testing, insulation level inspection, evaluation of all your energy consuming appliances and equipment, door and window advise, and efficient lighting retrofits.